Kris Durán

I am an illustrator specialized in creating art for children's books. I first began illustrating as a child, repeatedly sketching and coloring my favorite characters from Looney Tunes. I attended La Universidad del Zulia in Venezuela, where there were few opportunities in the art field, and so I became an architect. In my spare time, I continued illustrating the world around me, drawing people, trees, and animals, until one day I realized that I was tired of drawing straight lines for a living. I wanted to do more with my skills. I wanted to tell stories.

I decided to move to San Francisco, where I pursued my MFA in Illustration at Academy of Art University. I currently live with my husband and kittens in Houston, where I spend my time working as an editorial designer and illustrator. I also enjoy traveling, practicing yoga, and open water swimming. If you’re interested in collaborating on a project, please contact me. I would love to hear from you.

For book inquiries, please contact my agent Jessica Saint Jean at jessica [at] jillgrinbergliterary [dot] com.

For other inquires send me an email to kristduran [at] gmail [dot] com. I would love to work with you.